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    In order to meet the analytical requirements of the European Medicines Agency (EMA), a new HPLC-FLD method was successfully developed using dansyl chloride for the derivatization and determination of the genotoxic impurities N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) and N-Nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA) in Lisinopril API and its final product. Samples’ pretreatment includes liquid-liquid
    Derivatization is able to introduce these groups into sample molecules in order to increase their sensitivity to UV absorption and fluorescence detection. Derivatization can be obtained by organic or electrochemical reactions, such as oxidation and reduction, or by displacement or addition reactions.
    Derivatization reactions are meant to transform an analyte for detectability in Gas Chromatography (GC) or other instrumental analytical methods. Derivatization in GC analysis can be defined as a procedural technique that primarily modifies an analyte s functionality in order to enable chromatographic separations. A modified analyte in this case will be the product, which is known as the Liquid chromatography (LC) can separate solutes soluble in the mobile phase. The main problem is to detect them. Derivatization reactions in LC will modify the solutes adding a chomophore for easy

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